Track contact interactions on your website and maximize conversions

Understand your contacts' needs by monitoring their behavior on your website and automatically send targeted communications. Don’t waste your web traffic!

Track contact interactions on your website and maximize conversions

Are you doing everything to optimize conversions on your website?

Site tracking allows you to track your leads' behavior on your website. For each contact, you will know which pages they visited and the path that led them there. But there's more: from this information, you can track important conversions and send personalized SMS and emails.

Are you doing everything to optimize conversions on your website?

How site tracking works


Insert the code

Connect Mexaging to your website by simply copying and pasting a code.


Track events

Set up event tracking and create conversions. This way, you will know who is performing important actions on your site.



Based on the lead’s behavior, add them to specific contact lists or send personalized SMS and emails.

Track the actions of individual leads

Once you have collected the contact information of those visiting your website, you can know exactly which pages they navigated and which buttons they clicked. All this data is stored in the marketing CRM, ready to be used!

Track the actions of individual leads

Segment contacts based on interaction with the site

You can automatically add a lead to a specific contact list based on their interaction with your website. This allows you to segment leads with common interests, enabling you to send increasingly targeted communications. For example, add to the "wedding bouquet" list those who visit that specific page on your website.

Segment contacts based on interaction with the site

Send targeted information to guide the user to purchase

When a contact visits a specific page on your website (or a set of pages on the same topic), you have extremely valuable information: they are interested in that product/service. Send a series of emails or SMS to guide the lead towards a purchase or a quote request.

Send targeted information to guide the user to purchase

Track the path to conversion

Which touchpoints led each contact to conversion? With marketing attribution, you can know exactly the path of the lead.
For example: a user finds your site by clicking on a Google Ads ad and leaves their contact information. They later return from a Facebook ad and finally from an email. At that point, they make a purchase.
Knowing the customer’s path allows you to understand the customer journey and send increasingly effective communications!

Track the path to conversion

In Mexaging, you'll find everything you need to send targeted communications


Lead generation

Collect emails, mobile numbers, and other information about your leads.



Measure results with customizable marketing goals.


Event tracking

Gather precise and detailed information about user behavior on your site.



Set up automatic follow-ups to guide users towards conversion.


Lead scoring

Assign scores to contacts based on their level of engagement and identify the most promising leads.


Free assistance

One-to-one support via phone, email, or chat. We are here for anything you need!

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