Simplify your company's internal communication

Sending professional communications to employees, collaborators, and suppliers with Mexaging is simple. Economical. Immediate.

 Simplify your company's internal communication

Upload the list or send from Excel

The first thing you need is the contacts of employees/suppliers/collaborators. Organize names, surnames, mobile numbers, and any other data in an Excel file. You can choose to import the contacts into the address book (to have them always available) or send SMS directly from the Excel file (recommended if your contact list changes frequently).

Upload the list or send from Excel

Personalize the text of each SMS

Automatically personalize the text of your SMS. Each recipient will receive a message with their name and other personal information, such as work shift times or access codes to restricted areas.

Personalize the text of each SMS

Want to schedule sending?

You can also choose to schedule your SMS based on dates or appointments. For example, mark an appointment on the company calendar and schedule a reminder SMS two hours before. Or schedule messages based on deadlines to send to suppliers or deadlines to communicate to employees.

Want to schedule sending?

Not just SMS

Classic SMS is the most secure and immediate tool for communicating with employees, collaborators, and suppliers. But there are other tools you can use: emails, forms to collect information or sign-ups for company events, landing pages, and much more.

Not just SMS

Your company is GDPR compliant with us

Managing personal data in compliance with GDPR is important in internal company communication. Our platform ensures that you manage contacts in accordance with European regulations.

Your company is GDPR compliant with us

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